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Trade waste portal

If you are one of our customers, you can use the portal to:

  • access, review and sign your waste transfer note and the terms and conditions of your contract,
  • view and update your contact details, and
  • add new contacts. Each contact will need to register on the portal.

You will need to create an account to sign your duty of care document. You will also need an account to request additional services, such as bag deliveries.

Log in to the trade waste portal

You should have received a letter from us with a QR code and instructions on how to create an account.

You will need your business name and business ID. We will provide your business ID.

Once you have registered, you will get an email with a verification link. Please follow the link to log in and finish creating your account.

If you have not received a letter, please contact us.

When creating your account, you will need a password. Your password must include:

  • 8 characters
  • One uppercase letter
  • One lowercase letter
  • A number
  • A symbol

Watch our video showing how to log in, below:

Each person you add to the customer portal will have full access to all its features. You should consider who in your business should have this access.

If your business has multiple sites that are serviced by Cardiff Trade Waste, each contact you add to the portal will have full access to all features for each site.

Log in to the trade waste portal

You can order recycling, food waste bags, and cardboard stickers via the customer portal, under the ‘sites’ section.

You can only order bags if you have a bagged waste collection service.

Watch our video on how to order bags, below:

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